The EFCC feels a unique call as a denomination. Their motto is: “in essentials unity; in non-essentials charity; in all things Jesus Christ.”To further explore the uniqueness of the EFCC, visit the EFCC Vision & Purpose and their Statement of Faith. The EFCC's Character and Calling points to the desire of the EFCC to fulfill it's particular calling in the work of the kingdom.
The EFCC made changes to their Accreditation Process at their National Conference in June 2024. Updated information for the new process is coming and will include information like where essential documents for ministerial licensing, ordination and transfer of ordination within the EFCC family of churches, can be found. In the meantime, the documents below answer some frequently asked questions as well as outline the new procedures. For questions or further information, contact our office or feel free to reach out to the EFCC directly at